Friday, July 20, 2012

Hurry Up and Wait

A lot has happened since my last entry. In late June, I drove across country in my car by myself. It was nice to have my thoughts to myself for a few days even if those thoughts included where to find an urgent care facility. I also visited my brother Stuart and family in Chicago on my way out. They offered me rest and resuscitation to get me through the rest of my drive. Last week, we moved into a small condo in Redmond, and our furniture is awaiting delivery in Maryland.

During my trip to Maryland, Gerald bought 100 kebab skewers before discovering that we already had close to 100 in a drawer. Our new goal: to make this a kebab summer full of adventures and explorations of the culinary sort. I hope to have a blog entry about that coming soon.

Currently, I am in the condo surrounded by everything I could want nearby: grocery stores, a mall, a bookstore, a new park, restaurants, public transportation, and all sorts of other businesses and amenities within walking distance. It is a super convenient location which requires very little driving. I find myself quite happy in my new little (850 sq. ft.) digs with two of my children extremely close at hand. I’m almost sad to be giving it all up to live in a large (6000 sq. ft.) peaceful and secluded home in the country. Almost. Life is full of trade-offs. This is another one.

Why am I still here? My son had to order glasses, but they are taking a while to get delivered. Once they do, we will be on a flight to Maryland where we will join Peter. We had a few mix-ups in the packing process. I will be taking an extra suitcase with items that should have gone directly to Maryland. I suspect someone will do the same in the opposite direction. The cat will be going to Maryland next week with Allison and her boyfriend. He (the cat) gets to stay there and adjust to all that is new … and the dog he thought he got rid of forever.

The peppers and tomatoes that I planted in April are ripe and ready; the flowers and herbs are showy and strong; the grapes are thriving. The pool is crying out for us to host a party with friends, family, and fraternity. Stay tuned ….

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