My women’s Bible study is currently reading One Thousand Gifts by Anne Voskamp. The premise of the book (from what I can tell) is to give thanks (eucharisteo) for all that we have by noticing the little things that make life wonderful. The author was challenged to start a list of 1,000 things that she is thankful for. She surpasses 1,000 and keeps on going.
My Bible study has chosen to follow in her footsteps and also find thanks in the little things. I have chosen, however, to delay starting my list until I move to Maryland. It’s not that I’m not thankful for all that is Seattle and Bellevue. It’s that I’d probably be too thankful and focused on all that I’m about to give up.
I don’t want to create some wimpering list of what I’m leaving behind. I want to be thankful for everything wherever I am. Since I’m sure that will be a bigger struggle just after a major move, that’s what I intend to do. I’m going to be actively searching for all that is wonderful and makes life worth living in my new environment. And, no, I’m not giving myself a deadline. If it takes me a long time to hit a thousand, then that’s what it takes.
If I were to start today, my first entry would be the smell of pumpkin scones baking. It would be followed by the smile on my daughter's face when she walks through the door and discovers the scones. Moments like those make me thankful that I can enjoy them.